Audio Recorder for Mac

iSkysoft Audio Recorder v2.4.0

ISkysoft Audio Recorder icon
Size9.63 MB
Created on2016-01-01 00:45:09
FilesiSkysoft Audio Recorder 2.4.0/README!!!.rtf (0.83 kB)
iSkysoft Audio Recorder 2.4.0/iSkysoft Audio Recorder (9.63 MB)

Name: iSkysoft Audio Recorder
Version: 2.4.0
Mac Platform: Intel
Includes: Serial
OS version: 10.6 or higher
Whats new:
Change log not ready at time of posts.
Record unlimited free music from YouTube, Pandora, Grooveshark, Napster, Rhapsody, Spotify, GUBA,, BBC Radio Audio, iTunes Radio, NPC, MySpace, Yahoo Music, RTVE, Sirius Radio, Radio Blog Club, XM Radio Online, AOL Music, and more in just one click. Also easily burn recorded music to CD.
Continuously record playing music and split tracks to separate music files automatically.
Automatically filter out ads between tracks.
Over 500 radio stations and online music sites are supported
I did not make the crack.
Use PermissionReset or BatCHmod to reset permissions for app if it says it's damaged.
